Simcoe Services
Welcome to Simcoe Services
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Doing Business in Simcoe: A Great Community
Simcoe, the jewel of Norfolk County, is home to a host of services aimed at making your rural life a little more wholesome. Simcoe enjoys many benefits of urban life, but is rooted in the rural heritage from the not-so-distant past. We’ve seen growth across many economic sectors, ranging from industrial to health care, and a slew of great services in between.
The confidence our great town inspires has led to the success of it’s entrepreneurs and established businesses and franchises. Simcoe is a wonderful place to start and grow a business.

Simcoe Ontario’s Best Services
On this website, “Simcoe Services” you’ll be introduced to many key players across various industries who are looking to stand out among the crowd. Please take note of their efforts to pursue sustainable growth and development of Simcoe as the hub of Norfolk County.
If you’d like to take part in, or inquire about what it takes to become a listed member, simply fill out the form on the contact us page,

A hard day’s work just outside of Simcoe

A glimpse of the Simcoe swan
Simcoe and Norfolk County, Resilient, Adaptable.
Our town and county are among the most adaptive and resilient in all of Ontario. We’ve seen the worst and come out ahead many times. Various industry shake-ups, ranging from tobacco legislation to US Steel negotiations, we’ve overcome a great deal of adversity to remain a unique and prosperous economy. Thanks to the hard working folks of Simcoe and Norfolk County, we couldn’t have done it without you all.
With this site and service, we hope to aid a new generation of digital entrepreneurs establish roots and engage with the community in a whole new way.