First Aid Training in Southern Ontario
Often enough we find ourselves observing the child falling off of their bike, the neighbour trying to be a hero carrying in those groceries all in one trip, your co-workers fingers getting too close to the saw blade. We watch waiting for the comedic ending. What happens when it’s not a happy ending? “Oh my! Are they hurt! What should we do?” Reality sinks in and panic quickly takes over.
Wouldn’t it be reassuring knowing you knew how to help with that head bump? How to properly clean the cut? What symptoms to ask for. Understanding whether or not your neighbour might be having a heart attack?
First Aid Training is the security you’re searching for, and you didn’t even know it. Let’s dive in.
What is First Aid Training?
Skills Involved with Training
Many people think of First Aid Training as teaching you how to do the basic afternoon mom duties of disinfecting that torn up knee and asking silly questions, checking for concussions. And those people aren’t wrong. It is a part of the certification, but there is much more to learn. So if the course you are choosing doesn’t go beyond bumps and head checks, look elsewhere. You should choose a reputable company with skills offered to leave you able to recognize and provide interventions for life-threatening emergencies until medical aid arrives.
Some areas that you will learn about
- Preparing to Respond
- Airway Emergencies
- Wound Care
- Head and Spine injuries
- Bone, Muscle and Joint injuries
- Bleeding Management and Shock
- Cardiovascular Emergencies
- Sudden Medical Emergencies
- Poisons (including opiod poisoning)
The list above can look overwhelming and leave you wondering if you could ever perform such life saving aids. Trust me when I say you can! And it is better to have the life saving abilities than to be panicking and helpless. Ambulances can take up to 20 minutes to arrive. Those 20 minutes could be intense if a person was bleeding out from a deep cut, or choking on their lunch. You could have the knowledge and certification to keep that person in a safe state until the medical team arrives.
Different First Aid Training companies have different lengths of time to acquire your certification. Most can be done in a day. Others may take up to 3 days to complete. Always make sure the company you choose is certified itself. Recertifications can usually be done in a couple hours either in person or online.
Once you have completed the course you will receive your First Aid Certification. It is valid for 3 years and can be used for qualifications in workplaces as well as everyday mishaps.
A Bonus For Workplaces
Businesses nowadays are asking employees to participate in First Aid Certification programs. First Aid Training is the most seeked out. Insurance companies require businesses have their employees have these certifications. Having employees on hand with training can make the workplace a more safe and stress free environment.
It isn’t only factories and construction workers following these regulations. Any business you walk into will have a certified employee on the floor. Even school board employees undergo First Aid Training, have regular inspections in the schools and recertifications for those who are approaching their expiry. Restaurants, box stores and government buildings all have a minimum of 1 person certified.
Most workplaces will have the whole roster of employees take the training. Vacations, sick days and shift work can be tricky to work around when only a few have certification.
In Ontario there are laws for workplaces and certifications. WSIB Regulation 1101. has a dedicated and finely detailed explanation for all the requirements. It can be overwhelming to scroll through, so I will break down some of the important tidbits I’ve found that you will appreciate knowing going forward.
Workplace Regulations
- Workplaces must have at least one employee on site at all times that has a valid first aid certificate from a WSIB-approved training organization
- For workplaces with five or fewer people working on any one shift, at least one must have an Emergency First Aid & CPR/AED Certificate. This program is 6.5 hours (instructional time) long and is offered by organizations across the province.
- For workplaces with six or more people working on any shift, at least one must have a Standard First Aid & CPR/AED Certificate. This program is 13 hours long (instructional hours) and is offered by organizations across the province.
- Employers must cover the costs for first aid equipment and services. This includes first aid kits, inspections of kits and training.
- First aid stations must be easy to find and near an employee who has a valid first aid certificate.
- Employers must keep a detailed record of all incidents and any first aid treatment given.
- First aid requirements apply to all employees regardless of their employment status and for all workplaces, including off-site work locations.
- Employers must inspect first aid equipment at least once every three months.
Final Thoughts
Coming from a mom of 4, who has kids that just don’t stop testing the limits of human abilities… First Aid Training seems like the most logical step I could take to ensure my kids are receiving the best care possible until help arrives.
It does comfort me knowing that anywhere we adventure to, someone around us has the certification to take care of them. Especially school.
For a 3 day maximum training course I can see why workplaces invest in this First Aid Certification Training. It shows that the company cares for its employees and customers. Providing a safe workplace can help alleviate any stressors some may have with factories, construction, even cruise ships.
After gathering all the information above I will be registering my children when they are of age. And I can only hope they would do the same for my grand babies :)